Darlene Rowe...  Tilley Fan
Thanks to Kristy (Rowe) Hassay

Kristy and her Mom Darlene Rowe are Ron Tilley fans. Darlene is a family friend of the Tilleys. So it stands to reason.  I remember the bleachers seemed to have "sections" of fans of various drivers.  Certainly Ron Tilley's was larger than most.

Enjoy some of her pictures from the "good old days" at Playland.

Kristy andRobin Rowe in Playland pits. tilley-70s.jpg (27223 bytes) 70-chases.jpg (18257 bytes) 70-dennywatkins.jpg (25156 bytes) 70-finalpoints.jpg (143165 bytes) 70-gappa.jpg (23755 bytes) 70-garydurham.jpg (18612 bytes) 70-heiman.jpg (27294 bytes) 70-nissen.jpg (19915 bytes) 70-prideaux.jpg (16149 bytes) 70-ron.jpg (10358 bytes) 70-trackpic.jpg (49794 bytes)

71-39car.jpg (14179 bytes) 71-ads.jpg (52597 bytes) 71-brown-art.jpg (54800 bytes) 71-brown-pic.jpg (22528 bytes) 71-midseason.jpg (30553 bytes) 71-prideaux.jpg (71610 bytes) 71-sheffield.jpg (17855 bytes) 71-tilley-art01.jpg (59768 bytes) 71-trophies.jpg (66636 bytes) 72-ron.jpg (54955 bytes)   tilley-1972car01.jpg (22225 bytes) 76-camaro.jpg (70540 bytes) 94-autoshow.jpg (10995 bytes)