Dave Rankin
Playland Memories

Dave was kind enough to let me scan these in at the 2003 Playland reunion.  Thanks Dave and send me some stories!!



Click on the images for a bigger picture!

rankin-61-prog-cover.jpg (61671 bytes)  rankin-61-prog-pg4.jpg (49151 bytes)  rankin-dogtrack.jpg (47879 bytes) rankin-lgtracknews1.jpg (81988 bytes) rankin-lgtracknews2.jpg (76938 bytes) rankin-lgtracknews3.jpg (93386 bytes)


rankin-morton-crash.jpg (48010 bytes) rankin-morton-fire.jpg (76926 bytes) rankin-playland-coaster.jpg (31281 bytes) rankin-playland-entrance.jpg (71977 bytes)